Home WATERPROOFING Two-component waterproofing membrane TYTAN Hydro 2K

Two-component waterproofing membrane TYTAN Hydro 2K

Price: 77.00лв.
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    18.000 Kgs
Innovative fast-drying coating for waterproofing roofs and foundations. It has UV resistance. Suitable for repairing roofs with bitumen membranes or for waterproofing foundations expose to moderate water pressure.
  • Color:
  • Consumption:
    0.35kg/sq.m. for 1 layer

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Prior to application, the surface must be free of holes, cracks and cavities. Prime the surface with EVOMER quick primer and fill the cracks with EVOMER filler. The waterproofing is applied in 2 layers, and non-woven polyester can be installed in the places with cracks and vertical sections between the two layers. Drying time of 1 layer at 20 degrees and 50% humidity is 2 hours. Temperatures range after applying is 20 to 90 degrees. Durability after application at least 5 years.
  • Color:
  • Consumption:
    0.35kg/sq.m. for 1 layer